Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday, 4/30

Early this morning, Elaine downed half a piece of french toast that would have made a Roman legionnaire shudder, convincing the medical staff that solid food, such as it was, was in her repertoire once again. It was enough for Dr. Swartz, who promptly discharged her.

We gathered up our things, rolled her out to the pickup circle and were out by 9:30AM. Home 45 minutes later, after a shower and a shampoo, she set up headquarters in the bed, then promptly fell asleep from exhaustion. The word “ecstacy” was murmured in there somewhere.

It was a harrowing week. Elaine will recover at home now for the next several weeks before we start the chemo-therapy regimen, which will last for 6 months. I’ll be close by.

Elaine has loved hearing from you, and your attentions have bolstered her in a difficult time. We’ll continue to send out bulletins, but hopefully the news won’t be as fast or as interesting, so you can probably stop worrying about whether you need to hit the spam button when they come in.

Thanks for staying tune, letting us hear from you, and being there.

(Elaine and) Brian

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